Virgo New Moon - 15th September 2023

 Friday 15th September at 02.40 BST  is the Virgo new moon

My Moon Musings

The last Leo new moon came to help you to let your unique, individual light shine, and spread your inner sunshine wherever you go. Then came the Pisces full moon to help you to tap into the higher wisdom and...

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Pisces Full Moon (Super Moon) - 31st August 2023

Thursday 31st August at 02.35 BST is the Pisces full super moon

My Moon Musings… 

I’m probably not going to need to tell you that this is a BIG full moon, you’ll likely feel it days before, especially with Uranus stationing retrograde and this full moon being the closest...

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Leo New Moon - 16th August 2023

The last Cancer new moon came to lead us forwards towards the life that we want to create. Then to help us to step into our fullest most expanded and authentic selves and play our part in where the world goes next was the Aquarius full moon.  Now to help you to shine your unique light out...

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Aquarius Full Moon (Super Moon) - 1st August 2023

The last Capricorn full moon came to help us to create strong spiritual foundations to build the life we want. Then came the Cancer new moon to lead us forwards towards the life that we want to create. Now to help us to step into our fullest most expanded and authentic selves and play our part in...

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Cancer New Moon - 17th July 2023

Monday 17th July at 19.32 BST  is the Cancer new moon

My Moon Musings

The last Gemini new moon came to help you to drop out of your thinking mind into deeper levels of awareness and trust. Then, to help us to create strong spiritual foundations to build the life we want was the Capricorn...

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Capricorn Full Moon - 3rd July 2023

Monday 3rd July at 12.39 BST is the Capricorn full moon

My Moon Musings… 

The last Sagittarius full moon came to help you to remember who you are and take aim towards the life you want. Then came the Gemini new moon to help you to drop out of your thinking mind into deeper levels of...

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Gemini New Moon - 18th June 2023

Sunday 18th June at 05.37 BST is the Gemini new moon

My Moon Musings

The last Taurus new moon came to help to anchor what we want into reality and look to the future we want to build. Then to help you to remember who you are and take aim towards the life you want was the Sagittarius full moon....

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Sagittarius Full Moon - 4th June 2023

Sunday 4th June at 04.42 BST is the Sagittarius Full Moon

My Moon Musings… 

The last Scorpio full moon lunar eclipse came to help you to release all that stands in the way of the life you want. Then, to anchor what we want into reality and look to the future we want to build was the...

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Taurus New Moon - 19th May 2023

Friday 19th May at 16.53 BST  is the Taurus new moon

My Moon Musings

The last Aries new moon solar eclipse came to take us into eclipse season and open up a pathway to a whole new world. Then came the Scorpio full moon lunar eclipse to help you to release all that stands in the way of the...

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Scorpio Full Moon (Lunar Eclipse) - 5th May 2023

Friday 5th May at 18.34 BST is the Scorpio full moon lunar eclipse 

My Moon Musings… 

The last Libra full moon came to bring balance in these current times we are navigating and prepare us for eclipse season. Then came the Aries new moon solar eclipse to take us into eclipse...

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Aries New Moon (Solar Eclipse) - 20th April 2023

Thursday 20th April at 05.12 BST is the Aries new moon solar eclipse

My Moon Musings

The last Aries new moon came to lead us into true new beginnings. Then came the Libra Full Moon to bring balance in these current times we are navigating and prepare us for eclipse season. Now taking us into...

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Libra Full Moon - 6th April 2023

Thursday 6th April at 05.43 BST is the Libra Full Moon

My Moon Musings… 

The last Virgo full moon brought cleansing, completion, and culmination before we moved into spring and a new astrological year. Then to lead us into true new beginnings was the first of two Aries new moons. Now...

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Aries New Moon - 21st March 2023

Tuesday 21st March at 12.23 GMT   is the Aries new moon

My Moon Musings

The last Pisces new moon came to help you to move forward into the more the Leo full moon showed you that you were ready for. Then for cleansing, completion, and culmination before we move into spring and a new...

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Virgo Full Moon - 7th March 2023

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Tuesday 7th March at 12.40 GMT is the Virgo full moon 

My Moon Musings… 

The Leo full moon came to help you to shine your light into the world. Then came the Pisces new moon to help you to move forward into the more the Leo full moon showed...

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