Pisces New Moon - March 2021

Mar 09, 2021

Saturday 13th March 2021 at 10.21am is the Pisces new moon.

The last new moon in Aquarius asked you to be authentically and truly you, and step out into the world as you, to show yourself to the world and to contribute in the way that only you can. Then along came the Virgo full moon to help you to get clear on your soul goals and using the energies of the Saturn Uranus square to make a plan for 2021 and work towards your goals. Now the new moon lands in the final sign of the zodiac bringing endings to create new beginnings. 

This new moon is the last moon of our current astrological year and it’s working powerfully with the Spring Equinox to pave the way for spring new beginnings.

We are in for an incredibly powerful few weeks over this lunar cycle as this new moon begins the unravelling process of letting go of what is completed and clearing the space to allow the new to come in.

This dreamy new moon is going to give you the ability to vision and dream the future that you want for yourself.

It’s going to connect you to your highest wisdom and guidance and soul. It’s going to take you to the highest heights of spiritual understanding of your life and show you the bigger picture of your life from your souls’ perspective.

This moon wants us to create the space for all the new beginnings that are coming.

Under this new moon and for the next few weeks we are going to be asked to live completely mirroring nature. And just like nature can’t grow anything in hard, old ground that is filled with weeds we can’t either. This moon in the final stages of the last sign of the zodiac is going to finally bring to a close those things that you have been so ready to close for a long time.

This new moon is asking you to prepare the inner soil of your heart and mind so that you are ready for all that wants to expand and grow within you.  This new moon needs you to clear out and make space for the new.

And then once you have this space cleared, there will be a new part of you and a new stage of your life journey that’s ready to emerge. This new moon is here to help you to dream a little dream that you can bring to life this lunar cycle and beyond into 2021. Everything in nature and the skies is on your side under this new moon to allow a rebirth so that you can start afresh, this moon is an initiation, this is the preparation point for creating and moving into spring new beginnings…


Endings for Beginnings with the Pisces New Moon

Lunar Yoga & Meditation Class

Thursday 11th March, 7-9pm (GMT)



Clear out and make space for new beginnings with this cord cutting meditation - the perfect addition to your new moon ritual.




Work with the magic of the moon cycles in this monthly membership and community space - join our moon sisters around the world and begin living by the moon.


Lunar Love Notes

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