Libra New Moon (Solar Eclipse) - 14th October 2023
Oct 09, 2023
Saturday 14th October 2023 at 18.55 BST is the libra new moon solar eclipse
My Moon Musings
The last Virgo new moon came to help you to put the daily practices in place to move towards your dreams. Then to help us to reflect on where our journey is taking us as we approach eclipse season was the Aries full moon. Now, taking us into our eclipse journey is the Libra new moon solar eclipse.
You likely don’t need telling that these eclipse energies are deep, intense, transformative, and healing.
It’s almost unbelievable how much big energy there is in the skies at the moment and it’s only going to get more strong and powerful the closer we get to the eclipses.
The best way I can describe it is like a pressure cooker and it may feel like you are being squeezed and there is so much intensity and energy. My best advice, as always, is to pay attention to your emotions and where in your life you are feeling most stuck, frustrated, and uncertain as this is what the eclipses want you to focus you attention on.
This is a solar eclipse that is working with the south node, which is asking us to clear out to make space. What is not working in your life, not serving you and no longer in resonance with who you are will be coming up for you to be aware of.
Relationships are going to be a big point of focus under this new moon solar eclipse, especially where they are out of balance and alignment. Over this new moon you may have the realisation that you have outgrown certain people in your life or that some relationships just aren’t working in their current version.
You’re going to be able to see where you are giving away too much of yourself and your power and especially where you don’t feel able to be your full self in certain relationships or where you alter yourself, show up as a different version of you or act in a certain way to try and fit in and be accepted or to get love and approval.
Remember that true, deep relationships will allow and accept you for all of who you are, but these can only happen when you show up as that version of you. When you are trying to be who you think others want you to be or hiding or changing parts of yourself they never get to know the true you and it can never really be a lasting authentic connection.
Everything happening, especially around the eclipses is fated and destined and karmic and helping you to grow and evolve even if it feels difficult and sticky. Don’t rush this process, let it be an unfolding, an evolution, a remembering and a reprograming.
You do know what to do, you do know what these eclipses are asking of you, you do know what changes need to be made and where you need to come out of your comfort zone and be more you - we are just sometimes afraid of this knowing as it forces change and for us to leave the “safety” of our comfort zones.
You have to be willing to leave the comfort zone of the crowd and stop seeking external approval and permission. You have to let parts of you and your life and relationships die away in order for there to be the space for a rebirth.
It’s time my love. This new moon solar eclipse will ask you to leave behind all that’s no longer serving you and blast you out of your comfort zone, trust it all, your soul knows what you’re capable of.
Join the Soul Space class for this moon: CLICK HERE.
Get the Lunar Living Ritual Pack for this moon: CLICK HERE.
Lunar Love Notes
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