Aries New Moon - March 2022

Mar 28, 2022

Friday 1st April 2022 at 07.24 BST is the Aries New Moon

My Moon Musings…

The last Pisces New Moon came to give us a flavour of what’s coming next and expand you towards your dreams. Then came the Virgo full moon to spring clean your soul and help you to clear out the old to welcome in the new. Now to set the tone for the lunar cycles of the year ahead comes the Aries new moon.

Welcome to the first new moon of the astrological year! All new moons begin a new cycle but this one opens the energy of the lunar cycle for the year ahead, which carries us through the whole of the astrological year.

This new moon falls exactly halfway between the spring equinox and start of the astrological year and the meeting of Jupiter and Neptune conjunction. It’s a gateway into something new.

This new moon, the beginning of a lunar cycle that contains once in a lifetime astrological energy and sets us up for the astrological year ahead is the preparation point for all that is to come for you this year.

This new moon is working with Chiron to help us to heal and to show you that you serve a special and unique soul purpose in this world, or you would not be here. If you are in any doubt about your gifts, purpose, what you have to offer, value or worth this moon will help you to see and heal that.

This new moon is helping you to see yourself in a new way, a version of you who has healed, learned, grown, evolved, make it through and is now ready to truly begin to claim and own herself and step towards her purpose and all that she knows she deserves in life.

Mercury is here to help with this as mercury is going to help you to see things differently, think about things differently and believe in things differently. As you uncover more of who you are over this moon mercury will help upgrade and rewire your mind to align with this new version of you.

This moon is a preparation for not only the Jupiter and Neptune conjunction but also the next Taurus new moon solar eclipse, where we will connect to our lunar nodes, step fully back onto our soul path and bring all of this down into reality.

To do this this Aries new moon is going to help you to know who you are and what you are worthy and deserving of so that you are ready to receive and step into it when it comes. This moon is less about visioning what you want for the year but more about preparing yourself to receive what you know deep down is coming.

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Spring into new beginnings with the Aries New Moon

Thursday 31st March, 7-9pm (BST) 



Get the Aries moon discovery pack here


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