Expand into your divine feminine. Reawaken your inner Goddess. 


Are you ready to walk the path and awaken the goddess you came here to be?


If you are yearning to connect to your innate inner wisdom and magic, ignite your intuition, attune to your wisdom, expand and heal your heart, reclaim your power and embrace your self-worth, vision + full manifestation potential, this sacred journey is for you.

My love,

If the Goddess has been calling you it is time to listen.

Are you ready to walk the path of your goddess reclamation and connect to your divine feminine energy?

To begin to live in the flow of your innate magic, wisdom, power and untamed potential?

To journey on your soul's path and experience all that your soul came here to experience and awaken all of who you came here to be? 

If yes, then I welcome you to join me, as I guide you through your sacred journey of inner exploration and discovery to ignite your divine sacred feminine and reclaim the goddess within you.

It is time to become the goddess you were born to be...

An embodied, year-long sacred journey of deep transformation, healing, reclamation and awakening to help you invoke the power of Shakti and the divine feminine energy that lives within you and step into your goddess era

Evoking the goddess, the divine feminine energy and universal life force that lives within you, stepping into your truest authentic self, freeing the wild woman that lives within you and reclaiming your sensuality, passion and creative energy is your birthright... 

If you have heard the calling, feel compelled to explore more and want to work intimately with me, Kirsty Gallagher for an entire year of healing, growth, self-devotion and reclamation of who you were born to be…

Join me on The Goddess Path. 

Ready for change in your life that feels deeply needed, yet you don’t know what it looks like or how to make it happen?
Ready to finally show up in the world as who you were born to be, whilst sharing your gifts and purpose. 


Ready to move away from playing small, censored and afraid of being your authentic self.


Ready to explore your curiosity about the feminine energies that live within you and learn how to awaken them and work with them to live the most powerful life, in love, in business and in your career. 


Ready to hear the voice of your intuition, take up space in this world and trust the voice within, ignoring the fears and limiting beliefs and stories that hold you back. 
Ready to connect with your own sensuality, sexuality, beauty and self-worth.
...Seen some transformation in your healing journey but you are craving a deeper level of healing and connection.


…Found yourself often feeling empty, demotivated, with this deep sense of knowing that there is more out there for you, a niggle that craves a deeper connection with yourself and the world.


…Spent too long feeling inadequate, getting caught up in what other women are doing and achieving and holding yourself back from fulfilling your own desires, dreams and visions.


…Found yourself disempowered, talking yourself out of your dreams + potential allowing the voice of your shadows to rule.
...Settled for far too long in a life, with people and situations that have not and do not serve your highest self.
...Struggled to identify whether you are hearing the inner guidance of your highest self or your fears and often feel indecisive often around your choices, moves and actions. 
...Lived too long in the hustle and bustle of life's busyness and now yearn for a slower, easier pace whilst still reaping the rewards of abundance and success. 
...Struggled to allow the flow of balance in your love life and relationships and to allow yourself to receive, be pleased, adored, loved and supported like you deserve.
...Found yourself neglecting your self by putting your needs, desires and dreams last, people-pleasing and putting everyone else above you.
...Put your dreams and desires to the side not knowing how to claim them and manifest them into your life. 

I see you goddess and I am here to hold the space for you as you claim back your power and step into your light. 
I have created The Goddess Path to take you on a journey to rise up from your shadows, insecurities, worries and fears that keep your light dim and support you to call on the divine feminine goddess energies to step back into your power and awaken your fullest potential. 
...Connect to your sacred power, intuition and inner wisdom, knowing that you have all the answers within you and no longer need to seek them outside of yourself.
...Allow the mysteries of the feminine to weave through your life and help you manifest, create and awaken you dreams and desires.
...Stand strong in your authentic self, making your needs, desires and wellbeing a priority. 
...Free the wild woman, untaming yourself and untangling yourself from restraints and caring less about others judgment and what society says. Paving your own way and allowing the Goddess to guide you.
...Live your life in flow, honoring your seasons and cycles. 
...Become empowered, bold and brave to ignite and take action on the life you see in your visions. 
...Live by your intuition, trust in your magic and share your divine wisdom with the world.


...Reawaken the manifesting potential that already exists within you.
...Live a life full of joy, pleasure, sensuality, power, purpose and true abundance.
...Embrace and accept all parts of you, making your entire life a ritual connecting to a greater source of awareness within you.
For too long, we have denied, ignored and suppressed the feminine powers within each of us. We have torn other women down in jealousy, comparison and judgment and we have neglected our own needs. 
We live in a world that is heavily dominated by masculine energy and traits. We celebrate achievements, material success and profit rather than the feminine qualities of intuition, inner wisdom, rest and receiving. 
If you want to become part of birthing a new world, healing ancestral lineages, alongside other goddesses’ who want to be part of the change with you, want to heal with you, rise up with you and awaken the divine feminine energies alongside you, then The Goddess Path is for you. 
If you have heard the calling, this is your chance to walk with me on an intimate journey of reclamation for an entire year. 
If you are truly ready to step up to the calling for change in your life alongside other goddesses. 


I introduce…

My 12-month mystery school dedicated to supporting you to rise into your power and reclaim the goddess you came here to be. 

Break free from the stories, wounds and beliefs that have held you back and prevented you from living your wildest, fullest, most authentic life. 
Activate your magnetism, radiance and feminine force, becoming abundant and attractive to all of your desires, dreams and visions.
Anchor into your wisdom, your intuition, your truth and your innate power.
Ignite your sensual, worthy, devoted, feminine powers that live within you.
Invoke the power of Shakti, creative life force energy that lives beneath your wounds, shadows and limitations. 
Pave your own way in the world and experience the life your soul came here to experience. 
All whilst being surrounded, celebrated and connected to a sisterhood of women evoking change, awakening dreams and magnetising the divine feminine...

...and guided, supported and held by me for a whole year of devotion, dedication and awakening.

Each month we will gather together in sacred ceremonies and goddess gatherings, work through powerful activations, rituals and healing portals to help you awaken the goddess within you, weave through the feminine energies and harness the Goddess you need to heal in that season, cycle and theme.

Sacred Goddess Ceremony

A 1-hr Sacred Goddess Ceremony hosted over the new moon to set the intention for the season, introduce the month's new theme and Goddess, and to gain wisdom and guidance from Kirsty to empower yourself through a deeply healing path. 

Intention-Setting Worksheet

A deep dive, self-exploration worksheet to support your journaling and intention setting at the beginning of each new Goddess month.

A Guided Meditation

A guided meditation to meet the Goddess we will be working with that month and how to work with her.

A Goddess Ritual

A Goddess ritual to work with throughout the month to harness the goddess energy on a deeper level and elevate your healing and awakening.

Goddess Gathering

A 30-minute Goddess Gathering, hosted over the full moon by Kirsty to heal, answer questions and release shadows.

Releasing Worksheet

A second deep dive, self-exploration worksheet to support your releasing and healing work after the goddess gathering.

Guidance Notes + Extras

Regular Goddess guidance notes from me to support you on your goddess path with additional challenges, extras and rituals.

Private Goddess Online Community

Daily access to a Goddess community to connect and communicate with your Goddess sisters sharing your wins, breakthroughs, advice and support. 

BONUS: Wheel of the Year Offerings

Free access to my Wheel of the Year offerings. (Each solstice, equinox and cross quarter festival). 


BONUS: Special Guest Sessions

Extra live sessions with special guests throughout the year to enhance your journey and learnings.


Our circles and gatherings will take place over the new and full moons because that is what our sisters and ancestors would have always done to heal, awaken and rise.
Each month of the year will focus on a different area of your healing journey and goddess reclamation. To weave the energies through each month and delve into your awakening you will be working with a different feminine archetype and a different goddess.

Your first month on your Goddess Path will harness the Taurus season and the energy of the goddess GAIA to work through what true abundance means to you and how you can call it into your life. We will work through your values, identify your true north and create a vision for how you want life to look, how you want to feel and who you came here to be. 

In June we will harness the power of goddess Durga and your inner wise woman to help you to stand in the power of your own truth, presence and inner knowing. You’ll learn how to speak your truth in the divine feminine way, and find your true, authentic voice in this world so you can communicate with the divine energy.

Working with the goddess energy of Artemis to guide your healing path with your emotions and hearing your true intuitive wisdom. Together we will learn to hold space for our emotions, deepen our intuitive voice to help guide us to live a life full of our desires.

In August we focus our divine attention on allowing the presence of who we are to truly shine, radiate and magnetize our desires. We learn how to manifest, awaken our inner fire and find our true magnetic power within. Here you will learn how to use your manifest powers and call in all that you want from life.

September's virgo energy brings us pure devotion, self love and self rituals. Working with the goddess Aphrodite we learn to find the magic in the mundane, make a sacred ritual of everything we do and harness our full self care power.

Throughout October we heal our relationship wounds and stories and move through the feminine energies to allow ourselves to receive. We balance the masculine and feminine energies, move through our people pleasing tendencies, look at where relationships could be out of balance in friendships, relationships and with ourselves, our sexuality and sensuality.

In November we move through embracing our shadows and bringing them to the light, turning them into our personal power. We begin to meet, embrace and embody out dark goddess energies to awaken the fullness of our magic and power.

Throughout December we harness the Sagittarius season and the goddess energy of The Creatrix to explore your deep purpose and inner knowing and work through stepping into your higher self, who you came here to be and what your purpose is in this world.

At the start of the new year we weave through healing our divine masculine energy with the energy of the goddess Athena. Together we will embark on healing our relationship with the masculine, see where we have been wounded and look to see where we can embrace the masculine energy to plan, look forward and achieve in areas where we hold ourselves back from taking action.

Delve into your authenticity, become free in your expression and show up as all that you are without fear, using the goddess energy of Kali. We’ll let go of all the doubts, fears and expectations that hold you back and liberate you to be all of you. 

Ease through flow and synchronicity of your life working through the Pisces energy and the goddess Sarasaati. In march we let go of the identities that we hold onto in fear and learn to move through always trusting in the flow of energy and life around us.

Your final month on your path. How can you integrate the Shakti energy into your life and how have you transformed. Set the vision for your future self declaration of who you are, how have you transformed, how are you going to show up in the world, how you going to trailblaze as you step into the courage to be all of yourself.

Join our Mystery School 

The Goddess Path is a year-long commitment and sacred journey of deep transformation starting on 1st May.

Pay in Full


One single investment of £3333


Pay in 3


3 monthly payments of £1120. Total payable £3360.


Pay in 6


6 monthly payments of £565. Total payable £3390.