Pisces Full Moon - 18th September 2024
Sep 14, 2024
Wednesday 18th September at 03.34 BST is the Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
My Moon Musings…
The last Aquarius full moon came to help you to step into more of your authentic self and the life you desire. Then, to help you to come back into devotional alignment was the Virgo new moon. Now to guide us into the first of our eclipses and open a new eclipse series is the Pisces full moon lunar eclipse.
There is an incredibly strong energy to this eclipse, not only as it is a supermoon which means that we always feel the effects of the moon more strongly but it’s also working with the north node and the ruling planet of this moon Neptune, in retrograde.
There will be things stirring around this full moon that you have known deep down it’s time to let go of. This may be things like relationships, jobs, old habits and beliefs and especially things from the past that keep affecting your present.
You may be finding yourself deep in old insecurities or doubting your worth or what you have to offer to the world or whether any of this work you’ve been doing is actually making a difference and feeling like nothing is changing or shifting as you feel like you’re still stuck in the same old doubts and fears and things from the past you thought you had dealt with are coming back to haunt you.
It may feel like a spiritual stumble, a dark night of the soul and a test of your faith.
As always this comes to provide so much beautiful growth and to truly help you to get back into alignment with the pathway of your soul this lifetime. That’s what eclipse are, a course correction from your soul.
This full moon gives us a glimpse of what our future collective destiny will be when the lunar nodes change sign next January into a Pisces north node and Virgo south node.
This full moon is the preparation point for this as we are shown where our faith is shaky and what it is that we need to let go of so that we can begin to embrace a new future where we are fully connected to our soul selves and allow ourselves to be divinely guided and fully follow our intuition and the whispers of our soul.
One of the big things that this moon is going to ask you to shed is old versions of yourself so that you can step into more of who you came here to be.
And so, at this full moon look at where you don’t love, trust and approve of yourself and don’t feel good enough and do the work of healing this and releasing the thoughts and beliefs that cause you to feel this way.
If you can do the required clearing at this full moon, releasing all in your life that is no longer in alignment and shedding the past and versions and layers of you that keep you stuck in perpetual cycles and out of trust in yourself and the universe you’re going to be able to not only feel the unique vibration of your soul self but also that of the universe.
This full moon is the moment you make this choice and draw a line in the sand, letting go of something to welcome in something new.
It may indeed feel scary and unknown, but this is where you lean into the deeper trust and listen to and follow the faint call of your heart and soul knowing that it won’t lead you astray.
There will need to be big endings at this moon to take you into these new beginnings. Endings of things in your life, parts of yourself and old behaviours, beliefs and patterns.
But trust me when I tell you that you are ready, and when you find that deep soul connection and lean into the support of the universe to guide you forwards your life will never be the same again.
Get the Lunar Living Ritual Pack for this moon: CLICK HERE.
Lunar Love Notes
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