Aquarius New Moon - 29th January 2025
Jan 25, 2025
Wednesday 29th January at 12.36 GMT is the Aquarius new moon.
My Moon Musings
The last Capricorn new moon came to set the tone for traditional year ahead and move you into deeper purpose and potential. Then, to illuminate the way forward into the new traditional year was the Cancer full moon. Now to quantum leap us into new timelines and a new future vision is the Aquarius new moon.
The future is calling. Can you hear it? You’re really going to be able to at this visionary future focussed new moon.
It will be as though you can feel your future self beckoning you into all that you can be and your soul pulling you further along your soul pathway towards all that’s possible and waiting for you.
This first new moon of the year is the starting point of our Pluto in Aquarius journey and the intentions that you set yourself at this new moon need to be in alignment with where your future self and soul are calling you to go.
Under the energies of this new moon, I want you to really look towards the future and what you want for you and your life, and I want these intentions to be big and bold and stretch you in some way.
I want you to really imagine that you have a huge part to play in where the world goes next (which you do) by bringing the desires that are stirring within you to life. They are within you for a reason, and they are part of what the world and all those around you need.
This moon is where you put your cosmic order into the universe and allow your dreams and desires to come from deep within your soul.
Don’t worry if these things feel impossible or too far away or you have no idea how you would make it happen – none of this is for human you to worry about. The only thing you need to do is lean into is your soul self and trust that you are never given a dream without also being given the means to achieve it.
It may take time, you may need to learn and grow and evolve and face setbacks and struggles along the way but that is all part of the journey towards what you want and how your soul helps you to grow into the version of you that is ready for it.
I urge you at this new moon to begin to follow more of what is true and aligned for you, even if it feels far away right now and to free yourself from the past and limitations in your life and those things, people, behaviours or beliefs that you have outgrown so that Uranus doesn’t need to do it for you when Uranus stations direct the day after this new moon, literally leading us forwards into the new world.
When Uranus stations direct it asks you to break out and set yourself free of anything that has been restricting you or holding you back. It’s like releasing the bow from the arrow.
Under this new moon you have got clear on what you want from your future, Uranus will show you what you allow to hold you back.
You may feel this as frustration, anxiety, deep emotion or simply Uranus coming in to pull the rug out from under you and bring sudden changes to help free you.
This is a moon to tap into miracle consciousness, to dream big and vision a new world. You came here at this time for a reason and it’s now that you begin to be called forward to find out exactly why.
The whole time I’ve been writing these musings one of my favourite quotes has been going around and around in my head so I will leave you with this as it sums up this new moon perfectly…
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover”
You are creating the future under this new moon, make it a future that you want. It’s time to explore, dream and discover.
Get the Lunar Living Ritual Pack for this moon: CLICK HERE.
Lunar Love Notes
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