Beltane Pack

A 14-minute meditation to help you honour and celebrate Beltane, the cross-quarter festival that celebrates the peak of spring, with a set of soul guidance journaling prompts to help you reflect back on your spring intentions and look forward to what you want to grow and manifest going forward.

Everything around us in nature is bursting with life, growth, power and potential, and the same is true for you.

From this moment to the summer solstice is the peak energy time of the wheel of the year in which you manifest, create and bring to life what you want.

Upon purchase you will be sent a confirmation email containing a link to download your meditation and workbook. Please keep this email safe. 

Lunar Living members: This is a Sacred Space/Wheel of the Year offer. You are welcome to use your Lunar Living discount code on this purchase.

£12.00 GBP